Issue002 | Date: July 2021 | Tel:01463 218822 |


Since our last newsletter, our
phacoemulsification service has been up and
running and we have successfully restored
many patients’ vision.

Generally, cataracts operated on at an immature
stage have a better chance of long-term success
because there is less pre-existing lens-induced
uveitis and a softer lens, which reduces surgical
time and the use of ultrasound energy. This is
particularly important with diabetic patients
(even if not completely stable) because their
cataracts can progress rapidly.


We offer this service as an imaging only referral or as a part of a diagnostic work-up with one of our clinicians.

For an imaging only referral, we will liaise to determine the optimum protocol and images will be transferred to VetCT – a specialist veterinary teleradiology service. A full written report can be provided in as little as 4 hours for urgent cases.


An incision (usually 2.5-3 mm wide) is made at the limbus. Viscoelastic is injected into the anterior chamber to maintain its depth. Anterior capsulorrhexis is performed using a continuous curvilinear technique.

The phacoemulsification needle is then advanced through the entry port into the lens and, using a combination of irrigation, ultrasound vibration and vacuum, the lens material is broken down and aspirated from the eye. An irrigation/aspiration (I/A) handpiece is used to remove residual lens material that is attached to the capsule to reduce the risk of lens capsule rupture. A prosthetic intraocular lens is then placed into the capsular bag. The remaining viscoelastic is aspirated from the eye and entry port sutured closed. Patients remain in overnight to be monitored closely, particularly for post-operative intraocular hypertension.


Toby presented for further investigation of chronic retching/gagging and halitosis. The owner reported an acute onset of retching/gagging approximately 2 months prior. The signs had continued since this first episode (worse when excited) and there had been no significant response to


Toby was bright, and alert and in good body condition. Thoracic auscultation, abdominal palpation and peripheral lymph nodes were unremarkable. There was marked halitosis.
Haematology and biochemistry analysis were unremarkable. Skull/neck CT was performed under sedation and a radiopaque foreign body was identified in the nasopharynx.

Retroflexed endoscopy was performed and confirmed the presence of an irregular, cream coloured foreign body (FB) wedged across the nasopharynx. There was also evidence of marked inflammatory changes in the surrounding tissues.

The FB was retrieved with grasping forceps and appeared to be a fragment of bone. Saline was flushed through the nasal cavity to remove some of the residual mucopurulent debris. Toby received 1 week of oral antibiotic and meloxicam to help resolveresidual infection/ inflammation. He went on to make a speedy recovery


Craig Devine continues to visits us fortnightly on a Wednesday. A cardiac work up typically includes blood pressure measurement, echocardiography, electrocardiography, radiographs and blood sampling. Craig also performs bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage, continuous Holter Monitoring and often makes use of the CT scanner for the investigation of pulmonary disease.

Craig is available for advice on cardiac cases outwith these times.


We are now offering the following
endoscopy services:

  • Rhinoscopy
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Upper and lower
  • gastrointestinal endoscopy
  • Otoscopy
  • Female cystoscopy


We are looking to significantly expand our premises to further improve our multi-disciplinary referral service to the North of Scotland. We will be having a temporary break in our surgical referral service as we make some modifications and are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. We hope to soon announce its return as a newly-improved comprehensive surgical service.